Why I'm Running
Adrienne Lett has spent much of her time advocating for a more equitable society, both at the local and state levels. Now she is running to further serve her community in the State House.
Since moving to South Carolina, Adrienne has watched legislators debate issues such as abortion, school funding, and minimum wage. She noticed a striking commonality: many of these issues predominantly affect young people, and yet there isn't any young representation in these legislative bodies.
Adrienne seeks to be the first Gen Z person elected to South Carolina's State House to be a voice for the issues that young, progressive people care about. Gen Zers and millenials, on average, hold more liberal political views than older generations.
Gen Zers and millenials support abortion access, affordable housing, LGBTQ+ rights, and minimum wage increases at significantly higher rates than their elders. However, these younger generations have little to no representation in the state legislature. They deserve to be heard. They deserve to have a voice in the fight. And Adrienne will be the voice that bridges the gap between young people and legislators in the State House of Representatives.
Obtaining an abortion should be a decision made by the pregnant person, their loved ones, and their healthcare providers - not legislators. Current abortion laws subjecting licensed abortion providers to civil and criminal actions are unjust and can hinder access to medically necessary emergency abortions. Adrienne will vote against any anti-abortion legislation and will support measures to improve healthcare access and affordability for all.
Procuring housing should be attainable for all working people. Adrienne supports the development of affordable housing in accessible locations and would vote in favor of legislation that gives renters across the state the right to legal representation when facing eviction.
Public funds belong in public schools. Period. Adrienne does not support school voucher programs or universal school choice, which both funnel tax dollars away from public education and toward private and home schools. Adrienne supports raising teacher and support staff pay, especially in Charleston and Dorchester Counties where the cost of living is high.
As the Lowcountry population grows, infrastructure struggles. Roadways are being expanded and improved reactively instead of proactively. Many existing stormwater facilites are not properly maintained and consequently do not optimally mitigate flooding.
As your representative, Adrienne would advocate for a redesign of the Highway 61 bridge over the railroad tracks. In its current condition, it is stressful and dangerous for drivers, and it should be improved to meet today's standards. Maintenance responsibilities for stormwater ponds and other facilities should be more strictly enforced to help decrease adverse flooding impacts.
LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. If Obergefell v. Hodges were to be overturned, "same-sex" marriages would no longer be permitted in SC. The right to marry the partner of your choosing, regardless of their gender, should be codified in state law.
Transgender/gender non-confirming/non-binary individuals of all ages should be allowed to make decisions about their gender-affirming care without interference from the state legislature. Much like abortion, these decisions should be up to the individual seeking care, their loved ones, and their licensed providers. Adrienne will not support any legislation that unjustly restricts the rights and bodily autonomy of LGBTQ+ individuals.